Comprehensive list of FAA & EASA STCs with their aircraft effectivity & International Approvals
An A-Z list of the most helpful Interconnect Technology terminology
The objective of this handbook is to provide our suppliers with our expectations to meet when conducting business with Amphenol CIT.
Supplier Handbook (English, Chinese)
Connector Selection for Low Signal Reflections & Loss
Soldering Semi-Rigid Cable to PCBs
Plating Integrity, Tin-Plated Aluminum Semi-Rigid Cable
Understanding Phase vs. Temperature Behavior
Space Grade Cable Assembly Integration Manual CS-A-30393
UTiFLEX Cable Assemblies — Power Handling
UTiFLEX Cable Assemblies — High Vacuum/Altitude
UTiFLEX Cable Assemblies — Flexible Insulation Resistance
UTiFLEX Cable Assemblies — Shielding Effectiveness
Cable Assembly & Harness Capabilities
Engineered Custom Cable Assemblies
FlightGear™ Radio Altimeter Cable Assemblies
HDMI 2.0 Locking Cable Assemblies
Industrial Cable Assembly Solutions
Low-PIM Assemblies (Passive Intermodulation)
Multiport Quick-Connect Harness
Power & Grounding Cable Assemblies
Semi-Flex® Cable Assemblies (Conformable)
Space Flight RF Cable Assemblies
Workhorse® RF/Microwave Test Assemblies
UGF055D Miniature Multi-Channel RF Cable Assemblies
UTiFLEX® Flexible Microwave Cable Assemblies
UTiPHASE™ Phase Linear Microwave Cable Assemblies
UTiPHASE™ Qualification Test Plan
120 Ω Lightweight CANbus Terminator
Custom Terminal Lugs & Splices
D-Sub & Micro-D Filter Connectors
FlightGear™ Blind Mate Antenna Connector
Mono Modular Series Backshells
Octax® Contact ARINC 600-Style Connector Inserts
Octax® Solo 10Gbps Ethernet Interconnect System
Octax® 38999 Style Connector Replacement Components
Octax® Ultra High-Speed Interconnect Solutions
Pre-Tinned Push-On “Boss” PCB Connectors
Sealed Terminal Lugs & Tooling for Aluminum Cables
Adjustable Keeper with Mounting Block
Advanced Thumbscrew Hold-Downs
Aero M/I SATCOM Antenna Adapter Plates
Insertion-Extraction Hold-Downs
EFB System for Boeing Aircraft
ECS Avionics 50 Ω Coaxial Cable Lightning Series (PN 371101)
ECS Avionics 50 Ω Coaxial Cable Lightning Series (PN 371401)
High-Speed Digital Data Cables
High-Performance 24 AWG Ethernet Quad Cable
Lightweight 100 Based-T Ethernet Quad Cable
MX10G-24-ALW Lightweight High-Speed Digital Data Cables
Portable Coaxial Cable Stripper Kit
Semi-Rigid & Flexible Microwave & RF Cable
Ultra-Flexible High-Voltage Shielded Composite Wire
ARINC 791/792 Adjustable Fittings
Cobham AVIATOR SP Kit Coaxial Worksheet
Cobham AVIATOR SP Kit SDU Worksheet
FlightGear™ ARINC 791 Ka, Ku, Ka/Ku
FlightGear™ ARINC 792 Ka, Ku, Ka/Ku
FlightGear™ Ka1717 Satcom Installation
Gogo AVANCE™ L3-L5i ATG Omni & Dual Antenna Configurator Worksheet
Gogo AVANCE™ L5 Dual ATG Directional & Fractal Configurator Worksheet
Gogo AVANCE™ WiFi & TM Configurator Worksheet
Thermal Management Solution for ESA SATCOM Applications